Sunday, June 15, 2014

A start of everything paper!!!

Hey Folks,

This is Dr M V Pratyusha writing the first post for the blog.
First of all thanks for dropping by.

If you are wondering what is this blog about. Here's an answer to that.

We are a group of like minded people who love working with paper. We make quilled jewelry to be specific. We try out new stuff. We try to add that zing in the paper jewelry that will help people to choose paper jewelry to fit their wardrobe.

People normally make a blog and then move onto social media. But we have worked it the other way!!! We started off as a group on facebook which was started in May 2012 by Trupti Pawar More and now has more than 2500 people who are part of the group who share similar thoughts.

The group is all about sharing quilled jewelry that is made by various artists and innovate the same by throwing in creative criticism and new ideas.

The sole motto of this blog will be to share, innovate and spread the joy of crafting as a whole. Here's hoping for a great journey and support from the fellow crafters!!!

In the posts to follow there will be tutorials, swap event's, contests,question and answer sessions and much more. We have 7 contributing artists to this blog including me so you can surely expect a lot of exciting stuff that will be shared.
So do become a follower of the blog and stay tuned for a exciting ride.

Lots of love and hugs